Mini motorways free online
Mini motorways free online

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The mechanics of connecting roads and managing traffic flow offer a satisfying puzzle-solving experience. The game's minimalist visual style is visually appealing, providing a clean and intuitive interface. Let's start with the positive aspects of Mini Motorways. While it offers an engaging and challenging gameplay loop, it also falls victim to some frustrating aspects that can hinder the overall enjoyment. As someone who enjoys strategic puzzles and simulation games, my experience with Mini Motorways has been a mixed bag. Mini Motorways is a game that puts players in charge of building and managing road networks in a growing city. Make sure to follow us on Twitter, Facebook [and Instagram [as we reveal more exciting news about The Miniversary Update, coming to both Mini Metro and Mini Motorways.

#Mini motorways free online update

The Miniversary Update will feature three crossover maps coming to each game (that’s right, that’s a total of SIX new maps!), including, for the first time ever in Mini Motorways, TRAINS! Our three newest maps will add an additional piece to the Mini Motorways puzzle as you must plot your roads around their cities’ metro lines.

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This one-of-a-kind crossover update features an assortment of things to explore for players old and new. We’re thrilled to announce a massive Miniversary Update coming to both Mini Metro and Mini Motorways – featuring the winning map of New York City, and so much more!

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This fan-favourite city will see worlds collide as you transition from strategic metro lines to carefully-placed road networks! Thousands of votes were counted and we now have a clear winner of the next map to come to Mini Motorways! The time has come to reveal the winner of our epic player-voted map competition! You all cast your nominations from a selection of 30 Mini Metro maps and after an astonishing amount of nominations were placed, it all came down to a competitive top four – London, New York City, Paris, and Hong Kong.

Mini motorways free online